febbraio 2025

Women, skincare and freedom

Have you ever thought about gender stereotypes in the paradigm of women, skincare and beauty? We talked about it with Martina Rogato, entrepreneur in the sustainability field, founder of ESG Boutique , G7 and G20 activist in equal opportunities and nominated by Start-Up Italy among the 100 women who are changing Italy.

Women in the world

Women are the majority in the world, “we are talking about 51% of the population that is often marginalized and does not have access to equal opportunities.

According to the The World Economic Forum we will have to wait 132 years for an equal world. This is something to reflect on not only on International Women's Day, but every day", explains Martina Rogato.

Women and the predefined models imposed by society

Today women are continuously (still!) catalogued into predefined models that do not only concern the professional or family sphere, but also the more private and intimate one that concerns their self-care.

A woman who cares about her appearance is not a less authoritative, reliable, qualified, competent or busy woman. If a woman is busy, she is not forgiven for vanity. If she does not like to take care of herself, she is made to feel less of a woman. If a woman invests in self-care, she is considered frivolous.

"We must all contribute to creating a society that does not imprison women in limiting paradigms, but that aims to protect and enhance the intrinsic uniqueness of each one, even in the care of ourselves. Free to be what we want, on March 8, like every day." Martina Rogato explains.

How can we break these patterns?

By normalizing the healthy habit of dedicating time to yourself, maintaining a good lifestyle to recharge, taking care of your skin with a skincare routine and proudly conveying the freedom to evolve and be whatever you want .

Self-care as respect for one's own beauty

Taking care of your skin with a beauty routine is a winning habit that gives credit to the small and large daily efforts of each person. Dedicating yourself to skincare is not a trivial or insignificant gesture: it puts us first, even for a few minutes a day, even on those days that seem to never end and in which we feel lost. Through the skin we can transmit our intrinsic luminosity to spread our pride, our voice and our authentic beauty.

SKINIUS creates products with the aim of accompanying the skin in all its emotions and changes by studying new dermocosmetic formulations that respect the uniqueness of the person. SKINIUS believes in the authentic beauty of an expressive and luminous face, helping the skin to find within itself the natural resources to shine for a long time. SKNIUS celebrates the true beauty of women every day.

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