febbraio 2025

Do Anti-Wrinkle Creams Work? Dos and Don'ts

We have heard all sorts of things about the treatment and prevention of skin aging. Remedies, advice and solutions that sometimes involve bizarre and absurd methods. There are many false myths that promise to eliminate wrinkles and that are best avoided. Here is a list of things to know to understand if the various remedies, including anti-wrinkle creams, work.

How much do genetics affect the formation of wrinkles?

Chronoaging is linked to genetics and this varies from person to person. There are certainly skins that age better than others. In most cases, dry skin, suffering from dehydration, can show more evident signs of aging than combination or oily skin, but this is not always the case. This is why it may seem that sometimes anti-wrinkle creams work and other times they don't. What can really speed up skin aging is photoaging and all those external agents such as smog, smoke and temperature changes. If the skin is not properly protected from these external factors it will be more prone to wrinkles and micro-wrinkles. This is why anti-aging face creams with sunscreen are recommended all year round, to help the skin shield itself from UVA rays even every day in the city.

Does nutrition matter?

Excess sugar can be one of the causes of premature skin aging. Why? Sugar triggers a particular process called glycation. This reaction involves collagen. Sugar, binding to collagen, causes a degradation of the elastic fibers and promotes the appearance of wrinkles, sagging and other skin blemishes such as dark circles. The English call this effect "sugar face" because the dull skin tone and dark circles come from a diet rich in refined sugars . This does not mean that we cannot allow ourselves a little sweet treat every now and then, but keeping our diet under control is certainly essential to maintaining brighter and firmer skin.

Does water help anti-wrinkle creams?

Drinking plenty of water (at least 2 liters a day are recommended) is certainly a good habit for the health of the skin and the body in general . Correct hydration keeps the skin more turgid and toned, but this is not the only way to stop chronoaging. For variety, you can consume herbal teas or infusions with natural extracts or combine specific food supplements for anti-aging treatment or for rejuvenating facial skin.

Anti-wrinkle cream from what age? Beware of grimaces!

DrinkThe famous "expression wrinkles" are formed by the contractions of the facial muscles. Laughing, eating, talking are our way of expressing ourselves and emotions are reflected on the face. When we are sad or angry, without realizing it, we frown or purse our lips. This in the long run creates micro wrinkles. This means that when we ask ourselves from what age to use anti-wrinkle cream , we must also consider the emotional aspect. However, emotions are an expression of ourselves and we must absolutely not reduce them for fear of wrinkles. The solution could be facial gymnastics: take a few minutes a day to contract the facial muscles in the right way and maintain skin elasticity even in those parts of the face most likely to reflect our emotions, such as the contours of the lips and eyes.

Do anti-wrinkle creams work better on oily skin?

As we anticipated, it actually seems true that oily and combination skin tends to show fewer signs of aging . A study by the English University of Southampton in collaboration with Stanford and the University of Cape Town (South Africa) shows how even in younger girls, where combination/oily skin is more frequent, in certain very dry environments or on a plane, microwrinkles are more visible. Surely the characteristics of oily skin create a natural barrier against external agents, but in any case the application of an anti-wrinkle face cream that works is essential to ensure hydration and consequently well-being. The advice is to look for a product with a light and fresh texture to promote faster absorption.

Tech-neck Syndrome: Smartphone Wrinkles

An increasingly widespread phenomenon is the tech-neck syndrome. Technology is now an integral part of our lives, but it should simplify everyday problems and instead it seems to cause the formation of wrinkles and micro-wrinkles , caused by the position in which we look at our smartphone or tablet. An English study by dermatologists at the London Clinic in London has shown that for "techno addicts" who spend a lot of time checking their cell phones, the neck is marked early by wrinkles and sagging, due to the constant lowering and raising of the head. To avoid these movements, just hold the devices high to avoid bending the neck. A great idea is to include in your beauty routine a wrinkle cream that works for the neck, décolleté and breast area. In this part of the body, the skin is very thin and delicate and must be pampered and protected adequately.

When to start using anti-wrinkle creams?

Anti-wrinkle cream: at what age is it best to start using it? Taking cover at 40 with an anti-wrinkle face cream is not exactly the best move. The skin already around 25/30 years of age begins to slow down its functions and in particular decreases the production of elastin and collagen, fundamental components to ensure elasticity and skin turgor. For this reason, there is an anti-wrinkle face cream suitable for every age. Around 30 it is best to prefer a moisturizing anti-aging face cream with a light delicate texture, while after 40 and with the arrival of menopause it is advisable to switch to a regenerating anti-aging face serum that allows, if not to eliminate wrinkles completely, to attenuate their effects, reintegrating the collagen that in this phase of life is produced more with difficulty by the body.

Do organic anti-wrinkle creams work?

An increasingly strong and convinced trend is that of organic cosmetics, but is their effectiveness truly tested ? It is certainly important to look for creams without parabens or products that contain preservatives verified and guaranteed by the European Scientific Committee for Consumer Health (specifically the reference standard is EC Regulation 1223/2009). Organic cosmetics must be stored with extra care because the formulation is very delicate. It is always better to check the INCI of the face cream in this case too to make sure you are not allergic to certain natural extracts and that the active ingredients in the formulation are truly organic.

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