There are more and more cases of sensitive skin in men, but especially in women. The development of this skin problem is due to increasingly aggressive external agents such as smog, pollution and UV rays, which can generate skin reactivity and blemishes such as skin spots and atopic dermatitis , but not only. A wise move is to fully understand what sensitive skin needs and how to recognize it.
1. Recognize sensitive skin with the "stinging test"
The stinging test is a test that cosmetic companies carry out to verify the skin tolerability of an anti-aging face cream . It is not a mandatory test by law, but it is carried out by most cosmetic companies that provide a selection of products for sensitive skin. The stinging test is carried out on a sample of volunteers who choose to test the product firsthand. The cream for sensitive skin is usually applied to the area between the nose and mouth: in subjects who experience itching or tingling, the skin is certainly sensitive and the product is therefore not suitable to be classified as a dermocosmetic for delicate skin.
2. Sensitive, reactive or intolerant skin?
There are several stages that can characterize sensitive skin. This problem, if not properly treated, worsens and the skin, from simply delicate, can become reactive and intolerant . Sensitive skin dries and reddens easily: this is due to a weak hydrolipidic film, which is unable to perform 100% of its protective function against external agents. This phenomenon favors the penetration of external agents that promote irritation. In the presence of reactive and intolerant skin , skin reactions become more serious and can result in itching, tingling, burning and dermatitis. For this reason, it is essential to find a suitable dermocosmetic that is dermatologically tested to be tolerated even by sensitive skin. Choosing a cream with phospholipids and glucosamine can mark the right start to respect the needs of reactive and delicate skin.
3. Do you blush often?
Constantly red skin? In this case it could be rosacea, a skin blemish caused by capillary fragility. The people most exposed to this problem are those with light and thin skin. Rosacea develops in the T-zone of the face starting from the cheekbones and reaching the wings of the nose and this is due to an enlargement or breakage of the capillaries. This blemish can also develop in women with menopause , this hormonal change can dry out and dry the skin, favoring the permeability of aggressive external agents that can threaten the resistance of the blood capillaries. Finding effective rosacea creams is not easy. To alleviate this problem, laser treatments by a dermatologist are recommended. Alternatively, it is a good idea to use a light and non-aggressive textured hydrating face cream with delta-lactone and Fospidina, one to ensure an emollient action and the other to help promote the physiological formation of hyaluronic acid, which is essential for superficial and deep hydration.
4. Foods useful in case of rosacea
If the search for rosacea creams is at best impossible, you can start with a healthy and adequate diet. There are foods that can help the well-being of capillaries . Berries, blackberries, blueberries and currants contain bioflavonoids, substances useful in fortifying the walls of blood vessels. The same action is carried out by vitamin C contained in citrus fruits, a precious ally of microcirculation , which helps the elasticity of capillaries. The intake of spicy foods and alcohol is not recommended, while green light is given to foods rich in omega 3 and omega 6 , good fatty acids that help reduce skin inflammation. You can find them in blue fish such as sardines and anchovies.
5. What is mortadella skin?
The so-called " mortadella skin " can be confused with rosacea, but it is a different skin reaction. It manifests itself with red spots on the skin that develop especially on the body. The mortadella skin depends on an alteration of the superficial skin circulation, which arises due to changes in temperature. It is a problem that affects thin and delicate skin. Usually these red spots form due to vasodilation but the diagnosis must be analyzed more thoroughly, in some cases it can be confused with urticaria.
6. Dry skin but with small pimples?
Have you never had oily skin, but lately small pimples have appeared on your skin? Is your skin impure and red? Maybe your skin is starting to become sensitive and is developing rosacea , an inflammatory skin disorder caused by an altered stimulation of the sebaceous glands. This disorder can develop due to some internal factors such as genetic predisposition or menopause or due to external factors such as sun exposure and stress. The solution is a face cream for rosacea that has the function of rebalancing the functionality of the glands that produce sebum.
7. Moisturizer isn't always good enough
The choice of a moisturizing face cream must be made with awareness. Not all products on the market are effective and suitable for meeting the dermatological needs of the skin, especially in the case of sensitive and delicate skin. First of all, it is important to identify a moisturizing or nourishing day face cream based on the type of skin. In the presence of dry skin, it is necessary to choose a face product with a sun filter and a formulation rich in antioxidants such as vitamin E. If, on the other hand, the epidermis is very reactive or mixed, it is essential to choose a face cream with a fresh and light texture so that it is easily absorbed and is delicate on the skin. Creams containing Fospidina are one of the latest technologies in Italian dermatology: they are biocompatible with the skin tissue thanks to the formulation rich in phospholipids and glucosamine ( Fospdina complex ). Creams with Fospidina are highly recommended for sensitive skin and, combined with particular active ingredients, they are effective both in the case of oily and dry and dehydrated skin.
8. Say no to DIY facial cleansing
Avoid improvising as a professional beautician and experiment with a DIY cleansing. Squeezing small pimples or blackheads can cause blemishes on the skin or even acne scars . A cream with phospholipids and glucosamine can help you reduce the blemishes caused by acne or impure skin. Phospholipids are rich in linolenic acid and linoleic acid, which are useful for the integrity of the surface hydrolipidic barrier. In case of acne, it is important to consult a dermatologist, which is certainly the wisest move to reduce this skin blemish in the shortest time possible.
9. Be careful about the fabrics you wear
In case of sensitive and reactive skin it is very important to pay attention also when purchasing certain clothes. Acrylic and synthetic fabrics are increasingly popular on the market and can often irritate delicate and sensitive skin. Very tight and close-fitting clothes can in extreme cases cause atopic dermatitis , a skin blemish that appears with very dehydrated, dry and red skin. A useful aid to alleviate this skin problem comes from the Sun. Dermatological studies confirm that the Sun has positive effects on skin affected by atopic dermatitis and psoriasis because it helps cell turnover and has a disinfectant action that reduces inflammation. Another useful natural remedy is almond oil , very delicate on the skin and also suitable for application on the face where dermatitis can be generated around the eyes , an extremely sensitive area of the face. A sincere piece of advice is to prefer linen or cotton clothes.
10. Does dry skin age faster?
Dry skin does not age faster, but it can show signs of skin aging more visibly because it is unable to maintain normal skin hydration. In the case of dry and sensitive skin, the symptoms should not be underestimated and nourishing dermocosmetics should be sought, very effective are creams with soy and rice peptides , essential amino acids that help to deeply hydrate the skin, promoting nourishment, firming and elasticity. If neglected, dry skin can begin to show the effects of atopic dermatitis around the eyes.
11. Is drinking lots of water good for your skin?
The skin needs extreme hydration to stay healthy and beautiful. Keeping the skin hydrated is the fundamental prevention also to reduce the imperfections due to chrono-aging. Obviously you need to observe good habits such as drinking 2 liters of water a day and especially in the summer where with sweating you lose more liquids, it is important to include in the diet foods rich in nutrients such as watermelon, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes, peppers and berries. A great help also comes from dermocosmetics with creams containing Fospidina that deeply hydrate the skin and help the cells in promoting the new production of collagen and elastin , substances necessary to maintain the elasticity and hydration of the skin, preventing wrinkles and micro-wrinkles.