febbraio 2025

Facial Involution: What Really Happens With Aging and How to Intervene

The facial aging process is much more complex than one might think and does not only concern the superficial part of our skin. It is a slow and constant process that, with the passage of time, involves first of all a drastic loss of collagen fibers, paving the way for a functional imbalance of the muscles ( muscle hypertonicity ) and of the bone conformation of the skull which tends to reduce. This is why some studies speak of facial involution , a process that affects all the components of the face as a whole: the tissue of the skin layer , the muscle tissue , the adipose tissue and last but not least, the bone tissue .

Effects of facial involution

The causes underlying facial involution are multiple, considering that they involve all its parts. Equally numerous are the evident effects produced by this global ageing process. Among the most evident it is possible to find that:

The facial volume decreases ;

eyebrows tend to fall out;

the temples become empty;

the skin loses its brightness and tone;

cheeks appear sagging ;

the nose becomes enlarged and there is a reduction in the nasolabial angle;

lips purse;

the mandibular line appears interrupted;

appears the double chin ;

the neck muscles relax.

Unfortunately, there is no way to stop the involution of the face because it is a natural process of life. However, there are useful strategies to implement that involve intervention on multiple fronts, ranging from the use of specific products to targeted aesthetic treatments.

How to intervene in the process of facial involution: muscles and bones

They exist on the market anti-aging food supplements that act from the inside, intervening effectively not only on skin aging but also on the well-being of muscle tissue and bone structure. This is the case of Tonifix.IN from the Skinius line, a supplement designed to offer a 360-degree action in maintaining the firmness and elasticity of the affected tissues. The supplement synergistically combines the effects of substances such as cholecalciferol, willow bark extract, curcumin and piperine.

The cholecalciferol It is a form of Vitamin D , or more precisely D3, which is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. This precious vitamin can only be partially obtained through food, such as salmon, eggs, red meat and certain vegetables. Its integration is often important to help maintain normal muscle and bone function. Willow bark extract contains flavonoids, tannins and salicin, substances useful in counteracting localized states of tension. The curcumin instead it acts as an antioxidant and intervenes to support joint functionality. Even the piperine It has an antioxidant action, as well as promoting the regular functioning of the cardiovascular system .

The Tonifix.IN supplement It is obviously useful in combination with physical exercise, pilates, yoga and facial gymnastics for help tone the muscles . It is no coincidence that it is used by athletes themselves who wish to strengthen their bones as well as for combat the feeling of muscle tiredness .

The Anti-Aging Protocol Against Sagging Skin: Creams and Serums

We have seen how the involution of the face is a natural unstoppable process and how to support it positively with a supplement dedicated to muscles and bones. Cosmetology is useful because it acts on some aspects of skin aging, namely the epidermis and the stratum corneum thanks to the action of serums and creams. Although miracles cannot be achieved, the action of valid dermocosmetic products can still help make a difference. On a preventive level, it is possible to adopt a real antiaging protocol against sagging skin which combines the systemic action of Tonifix.IN with the FOSPID.IN supplement and FOSPID Active Serum , both based on the Fospidina complex.

In this specific case we can talk about booster effect which consists in helping the skin inside and out, so as to reduce all skin blemishes linked to natural aging.

- In addition to the Fospidina complex, FOSPID.IN supplement contains biotin, also known as vitamin H and known for the benefits it can bring to the skin. Vitamin H promotes the maintenance of normal skin trophism making the skin more toned, soft and elastic and protecting it from the typical blemishes deriving from aging.

- Fospid Active Serum , in a synergistic and complementary way, teams up with the supplement of the same name to provide Fospidina at the skin level as well as systemically through the blood circulation.

We have mentioned the Fospidina complex because it is considered by the most up-to-date dermatologists to be among the best regenerating ingredients to look for. Let's find out what it is in the next paragraph.

Anti-aging benefits of the Fospidina complex

What is Fospidina and how does it work at a dermocosmetic level? We are faced with a latest generation active complex , the result of Italian research. Made up of phospholipids extracted from soy and glucosamine, Fospidina is very effective because glucosamine, a precursor of hyaluronic acid , has the particularity of being able to penetrate better through the epidermis, thus managing to develop all its regenerating action in depth. It penetrates more effectively because glucosamine is smaller and also because it is effectively transported by phospholipids, excellent transporters that make up cell membranes.

It is therefore clear that it is not only an active anti-aging ingredient but also useful for optimizing the action of the other ingredients present in the formula. In the range of benefits, Fospidina contained in FOSPID Active Serum: promotes skin hydration, helps maintain the hydrolipidic film intact, assists the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin and contributes to restructuring tissues, offering an extremely natural result as well as aesthetically pleasing.

Results of the protocol for facial involution

We have therefore seen how the synergy between Fospid Active Serum, Fospid.IN Supplement and Tonifix.IN can be a useful support in the natural process of facial involution. For obvious reasons, the results obtainable through this protocol are not comparable to those of plastic surgery, aesthetic medicine or dermatology. The combined action of supplements and dermocosmetics cannot in fact modify volumes and structures or erase every wrinkle and every sign of aging present on the face. In any case, the benefits that are drawn from it are generally significant: the protocol in fact allows for the regeneration and promotion of the well-being of the epidermis, configuring itself as an excellent treatment to prevent sagging skin on the face .

Does facial exercises help?

Even the skin on our face can be trained, just like other areas of the body. Practicing facial gymnastics every day can represent a further support to the Skin Sagging Protocol to help the skin stay younger and more elastic. There are many simple exercises that serve to tone the muscles in different areas of the face in addition to prevent the formation of wrinkles in critical areas. In particular, the most evident effects are obtained in the area of ​​the eyelids, cheeks, cheekbones and mouth. This useful practice also helps to redefine the oval.

Any time is a good time to start practicing facial gymnastics exercises. All you need to do is set aside ten to fifteen minutes a day.

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