Acne usually manifests itself in three phases: from the simplest and mildest, with blackheads and whiteheads, to the pupular-pustular phase that develops pimples and papules; finally, in the most severe cases, acne is called nodular and may present small cysts and nodules under the skin. To intervene, simply contact a good dermatologist immediately who will be able to identify the correct diagnosis and therapy. Let's see in this article when to resort to acne treatment drugs (always with the advice of the doctor), what are the side effects of isotretinoin and how to take good care of your skin during and after such treatments.
In what cases is acne treated with drugs?
When acne manifests itself with severe symptoms such as comedones, papules and pustules that are frequent and present not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body such as the back and chest. The dermatologist can then recommend a more structured therapy that includes the use of a antibiotic treatment for acne . You can choose whether to intervene topically or orally based on the severity of the symptoms.
Are there differences in effectiveness between topical and oral antibiotics for treating acne?
The substantial differences between a oral or topical acne antibiotic reside in the choice of assets. topical acne medications are usually based on clindamycin, erythromycin or tetracyclines. Oral therapies for are usually based on retinoids are very useful in case of acne . An example is isotretinoin, a retinoid derived from vitamin A that guarantees an anti-inflammatory and sebum-regulating action. Although acne is a recurring disease, a antibiotic for acne with isotretinoin represents almost a definitive cure for acne . Unfortunately, however, the prolonged use of a treatment with retinoids for acne may have some contraindications. If performed for a long time it is also necessary to integrate a good moisturizing cream to support the health of the skin.
What side effects can isotretinoin cause?
Acne treatment with isotretinoin may have side effects such as dryness and flaking of the skin. It is therefore necessary to combine it with a topical hydrating treatment that respects the skin and helps the skin and re-establish the hydrolipidic barrier. Patients who are most in difficulty following an acne treatment with isotretinoin may be those who already suffer from atopic dermatitis or who have very sensitive skin, which normally tends to crack easily. This is why treatment with isotretinoin for mild acne It is not prescribed lightly, but only after an accurate diagnosis.
How to care for your skin during antibiotic acne treatment
There ALUSAC line It was created to support pharmacological therapies for acne, to take care of the skin by helping it prevent the formation of blackheads and pimples, but at the same time hydrating and pampering the skin deeply, trying to respect its balance and avoid the appearance of redness and inflammation. It is also excellent to integrate it with a food supplement with antioxidants such as polyphenols extracted from French maritime pine and echinacea which helps support the body's natural defenses. When the skin is very sensitive, it is possible to rely on hydrating formulations with phospholipids, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid